Pink Hampster Recordings PHDD27
These tracks were written for and performed as entire sets for the ‘Parachute’ at Whirl-Y-Gig between 1994 and ’96, except Shrumah where parts 1 & 2 linked into a new version of the Coda from Parachuting. Part 3 was added to give it a proper conclusion in time for its first full performance at another legendary club, Megatripolis, a while later.
This brand new recording sticks very much to the originals in spirit and sound (but with much better production!)
This brand new recording sticks very much to the originals in spirit and sound (but with much better production!)
Requiem for the Buddleia from Butterfly Tree was also written as a Parachute set and Glow’s O Teu Passado was written as part of Glow’s only one. And Tara from Goddess was in fact performed for Whirly’s first ever Parachute set at a festival.
Hanging on Perfumed Air (2023) – full album
Parachuting (19:30)
Shrumah (17:43)
Bliss (20:25)