Pink Hampster

Kwali Kumara & Pete Ardron
Elemental Temple - Universe

Kwali Kumara & Pete Ardron - Elemental Temple Universe
Kwali Kumara & Pete Ardron
Elemental Temple - Universe
Digital Album and Double CD Album (with Elemental Temple - Part Two)
Pink Hampster - PHDD30 & PHCD28

Released Jun. 14th 2024

Elemental Temple - Universe is a collection of bite-size remixes of all seven tracks from Elemental Temple - Parts One and Two - the best bits of 220 minutes distilled down to a mere 49 minutes with a fair bit of fun had on top - a mix of chilled and dancy delights.

Universe is available on its own as a digital album or as part of a double CD release along with Elemental Temple - Part Two.

Find out more about Elemental Temple - Part Two here

Kwali Kumara & Pete Ardron - Elemental Temple Part Two & Universe

1. Earth (Universe Mix)
2. Water (Universe Mix)
3. Fire (Universe Mix)
4. Air (Universe Mix)
5. Aether (Universe Mix)
6. Void (Universe Mix)
7. Spirit (Universe Mix)

We will add more links as we get them!

There's a 5-page pdf booklet that will come with the album from some stores but not all.
If you don't get it you're very welcome to download it free here.
Elemental Temple Universe pdf