Pete Ardron
Hanging on Perfumed Air (2023 re-recording)

Pete Ardron
Hanging on Perfumed Air
(2023 re-recording)
Digital album
Pink Hampster Recordings - PHDD27
Released Aug. 25th 2023
Hanging on Perfumed Air
(2023 re-recording)
Digital album
Pink Hampster Recordings - PHDD27
Released Aug. 25th 2023
These tracks were written for and performed as entire sets for the Parachute at Whirl-Y-Gig between 1994 and '96, except Shrumah where parts 1 & 2 linked into a new version of the Coda from Parachuting. Part 3 was added to give it a proper conclusion in time for its first full performance at another legendary club Megatripolis a while later.
This brand new recording sticks very much to the originals in spirit and sound (but with much better production!)
1. Parachuting
2. Shrumah
3. Bliss
Total running time 57m38s
We will add more links if we get them!
There's a 5-page pdf booklet that will come with the album from some stores but not all.
If you don't get it you're very welcome to download it free here.
If you don't get it you're very welcome to download it free here.